Welcoming all vegans, vegetarians and omnivores:

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My name is Madelyn and I’ve been vegan for a little over four years.

I live in Los Angeles, I work a basic 9-5, and I’m extremely passionate about cooking. I am not a health expert or nutritionist  â€” I’m just a 27 year old girl who loves cooking, exploring restaurants,  and sharing vegan products. I never saw myself creating a space for like-minded people since there are so many vegan outlets already. However, I started tallying up how repetitive certain aspects of the vegan community tended to be which inspired me to create my own content. I grew tired of viewing the same recipes, meals I had no time to make, and influencers admitting to have given up on being vegan. The level of shock I felt when I would read hate responses to people who gave up or admitted to eating a Snickers every few months was heartbreaking.

I couldn’t help but wonder that maybe this sacred community we've built was actually in some sense, perpetuating exclusivity and pushing people away. I believe it’s important that we help each other in all aspects, not just when someone is perfectly vegan. We are humans, flawed and built to make mistakes, which is ok. Most of us were not born vegan, we transitioned, which will naturally lead to some breaking points along the way and you don’t need to feel shamed if you do. I think a lot more people would be encouraged to continue down a plant based lifestyle if we admit that mistakes happen. Because of this, I made a goal to create a judge free community of like-minded people on the same journey. With Love by plants we can collectively share our struggles and hiccups while striving down the path of a plant based lifestyle.